Your Life, Your Art Masterpiece

It's time to get back the reign of your life so that you live on your own terms. This is a tailored coaching package for those looking for a personalized strategy to achieve their visions.

Are you ready?

Let's collaborate to create the best strategy for your healing and transformation. Some of the ways we'll work together:

  • Positive Intelligence

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Soma Breathwork

  • Tapping (EFT)

  • Inner Child Work

  • Tension and Trauma Release Exercices (TRE)

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Yin Yoga

Oh hey, I’m Rim

I am a Mindvalley certified Life Coach and Hypnotherapist. I combine different approaches and modalities for a holistic mind-body-spirit transformation.

Rim Guermazi Coaching EI.

SIRET: 837479492 00030


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